Accessor: net/SecureCommClient


This accessor is used for accessing authorization service provided by a local authorization entity, Auth (, and for secure communication with a SecureCommserver.

Specifically, this accessor establishes a secure communication with server using session keys (symmetric cryptographic keys) and sends/receives messages to/from the server. To obtain session keys, this accessor also communicates with the local authorization entity, Auth.

This accessor internally manages the credentials (cryptographic keys) for communication with remote Auth and remote server. All the messages to/from remote Auth and server are protected using the credentials, while input/output data of this accessor is in plain text.

This accessor requires the 'iotAuth', and 'dataConverter' modules.

  • $$Id$$
  • Hokeun Kim
Name Type Description
serverHostPort Information of the destination server. This input triggers a secure connection with a server (possibly using the SecureCommServer accessor). This input is specified as a JSON with two properties, 'host' and 'port'. The property 'host' specifies the IP address or domain name of server in string and 'port' specifies the port number in integer. If a session key for communicating with a server is not available, the SecureCommClient communicates with Auth to request the session key(s) for secure communication, before establishing a secure connection with the server.
toSend The data to be sent over the secure connection with the server.
Name Type Description
connected boolean Output `true` on connected and `false` on disconnected with the server over a secure connection.
received The data received from the server over a secure connection.
Name Type Description
clientName string The client's unique name in string.
authHost string Auth's IP address or domain name.
authPort int Auth's port number.
authCertPath string The path for the X.509 certificate file (in pem format) of Auth with which the client is registered.
clientPrivateKeyPath string The path for the pem format private key of the client.
publicKeyCryptoSpec string The specification for the public cryptography algorithms to be used for communication with Auth
distributionCryptoSpec string The specification for the symmetric cryptography algorithms to be used for communication with Auth
sessionCryptoSpec string The specification for the symmetric cryptography algorithms to be used for communication with the server
numKeysPerRequest int The number of session keys to be requested per session key request to Auth
targetServerGroup string The communication policy group to which the target server belong.
receiveType string Data type of the received data from server.
sendType string Data type of the sent data to server.