Class AFTEDiscriminant

    • Field Detail

      • centerFrequencies

        public Parameter centerFrequencies
        The array of filterbank center frequencies.
      • outputFeatureIndices

        public Parameter outputFeatureIndices
        FFT Feature indices to be output.
      • normalize

        public Parameter normalize
        Boolean option to specify whether the output feature array should be normalized to have an L-2 norm of 1.
      • normalizeByDc

        public Parameter normalizeByDc
        Boolean option to specify whether the selected output features should be normalized by the DC term. If set to true together with normalize, this option is applied first.
      • useEnergyBands

        public Parameter useEnergyBands
        The output features become log-sum of energies within certain FFT bands. Currently, the bin width is set t 4 FFT samples per bin, and the FFT length is set to 64. Only computed for the nonnegative frequencies and DC term is output as a separate feature. In the current setting, 9 features per channel is output.
      • fs

        public Parameter fs
        Input sampling frequency.
      • fmodspec

        public Parameter fmodspec
        Mod spec sampling frequency.
      • windowSize

        public Parameter windowSize
        Transfer size.
      • nOverlap

        public Parameter nOverlap
        Number of samples of overlap between adjoining sections.