Class ParticleFilterRange

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, MapConstrained, Actor, Executable, FiringsRecordable, Initializable, TypedActor, Changeable, Debuggable, DebugListener, Derivable, Instantiable, ModelErrorHandler, MoMLExportable, Moveable, Nameable

    public class ParticleFilterRange
    extends ParticleFilter
    A Particle Filter Implementation for Range-only measurement models.

    The particle filter runs on a state space model given by

    X_{t+1} = f(X_t, U_t, t)
    Y_{t} = g(X_t, U_t, t)
    X(0) = X0
    where X is the state vector, U is the input vector, Y is the observation vector, and t is the model time. To use this actor :
    • For each input in U, create an input port with an arbitrary name. This actor will automatically create a parameter with the same name as the input port. That parameter will have its value set during execution to match the value of the input.
    • Fill in the stateVariableNames parameter, which is an array of strings, with the names of the state variables in X. These names can be arbitrary, since you will refer them to by name rather than by the symbol X.
    • For each state variable name in stateVariableNames, create a parameter with a value equal to the initial value of that particular state variable.
    • Specify an update function (part of f above) for each state variable by creating a parameter named name_update, where name is the name of the state variable. The value of this parameter should be an expression giving the rate of change of this state variable as a function of any of the state variables, any input, any other actor parameter, and (possibly), the variable t, representing current time.
    • For each output in y, create an output port. The output may have any name. This actor will automatically create a parameter with the same name as the output port.
    • For each parameter matching an output port, set its value to be an expression giving the output value as a function of the state variables, the inputs, any other actor parameter, and (possibly), the variable t, representing current time.
    The preinitialize() method of this actor is based on the ptolemy.domain.ct.lib.DifferentialSystem actor by Jie Liu.
    Ptolemy II 10.0
    Ilge Akkaya
    See Also:
    Red (ilgea)
    Red (ilgea)