Class MovingAverage

    • Field Detail

      • maxPastInputsToAverage

        public Parameter maxPastInputsToAverage
        The maximum number of past inputs to average. This is an integer that defaults to 10.
      • _data

        protected Token[] _data
        The delay line.
      • _mostRecent

        protected int _mostRecent
        The index into the delay line of the most recent input.
      • _count

        protected int _count
        Count of the number of inputs received, bounded by the size of the _data array.
      • _maxPastInputsToAverage

        protected int _maxPastInputsToAverage
        Maximum number of past inputs to average.
      • _reinitializeNeeded

        protected boolean _reinitializeNeeded
        Indicator that at least an attribute has been changed since the last initialization.