Class ColtBinomial

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, Actor, Executable, FiringsRecordable, Initializable, TypedActor, Changeable, Debuggable, DebugListener, Derivable, Instantiable, ModelErrorHandler, MoMLExportable, Moveable, Nameable

    public class ColtBinomial
    extends ColtRandomSource
    Produce a random sequence with a Binomial distribution. On each iteration, a new random number is produced. The output port is of type DoubleToken. The values that are generated are independent and identically distributed with the mean and the standard deviation given by parameters. In addition, the seed can be specified as a parameter to control the sequence that is generated.

    This actor instantiates a cern.jet.random.Binomial object with n, the number of trials (also known as the sample size) set to 1 and p, the probability of success, set to 0.5. A definition of Binomial by Wolfgang Hoschek can be found at,%20int,%20double):


    public static double binomial(int k,
     int n,
     double p)

    Returns the sum of the terms 0 through k of the Binomial probability density.

     --  ( n )   j      n-j
     >   (   )  p  (1-p)
     --  ( j )
    The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete beta integral is employed, according to the formula

    y = binomial( k, n, p ) = Gamma.incompleteBeta( n-k, k+1, 1-p ).

    All arguments must be positive,

    k - end term.
    n - the number of trials.
    p - the probability of success (must be in (0.0,1.0)).

    The above description of binomial() is copyrighted.
    Ptolemy II 4.1
    David Bauer and Kostas Oikonomou
    Red (cxh)
    Red (cxh)